31 August 2010

The Billboard

I see we have gotten a lot of traffic on our Blog over the weekend and yesterday.  Well, I guess KY3 should be proud of the controversy it stirred up Sunday night.  It seems a billboard that our company (my partner and I ) had installed over a month ago got to be on the news Sunday night.  The billboard was our question to the public in response to the many quasi-socialistic policies President Obama and his administration have instilled this past 18 or so months.  It was our reaction to the Insurance Company sending us a 30% increase due to the future that “ObamaCare” regulations were going to cause.  It was in reaction to financial reform that was just shy of governmental takeover of Wall Street.  It was installed in reaction to our perception of a total disregard for what the public desires and an Orwellian attack on our freedoms.  Most importantly it was a reaction from us to the anti-business, anti-capitalism attitude displayed by our president and his administration on a daily basis.  We do business every day with other small business people who have put it all on the line.  Who not only are trying to support their family, but also their employee’s families.  None of those people ever get bailed out.

Both our faith and lack of faith in some of the American public was tested Monday morning when the phones began ringing, yes, many for and many against.  First of all, I fail to understand why anyone would find it necessary to block their caller ID and call us to use filthy language to voice a perfectly acceptable objection to our sign.  I further fail to understand how our little sign on highway 65 in Missouri is racist or treasonous, or disgraceful.  It was a perfectly viable question…..  If you voted for Obama, are you embarrassed yet?  If you are not, then buy your own sign and tell us all how proud you are.

I voted for people in the past that I would freely announce that YES, I am embarrassed.  Clearly President Obama has not honored all his promises.  His own party has had members announce their embarrassment.  He has boldly directed congress to pass legislation that we believe was never envisioned by the founding fathers.

That being said, I am interested to know how some (Not all) of the people who called to oppose our sign have come to the mistaken realization that I at some time had unnatural affairs with my or someone else’s mother or why they think I have any homosexual tendencies.  And had either of these things been true, I thought the liberal left would have accepted those activities more freely.

The sign was never meant to be racist.  It is far from treasonous, in fact many have called it patriotic.  It is not disgraceful and was modeled after a few anti-Bush logos we have seen over the years.  We know the man is African-American.  We know that is a problem for some, but it never even gets a second thought in our mind.  His color is the absolute last thing about him that bothers us.  While a list that would go on for hours could be made, the question was never about color or race, it was about his politics.  We frankly think it is very racist to bring up the man’s race or genealogy and with hundreds of calls both for our sign and against our sign, ONLY the against brought up race.  We did have several callers mention the birth certificate thing.  You know, we don’t much care weather he was born in America or not, we just want the man to start acting more like an American.

For all of you who tried to call us this last few days, we tried to answer all your calls, even the ones where you felt it necessary to block the caller ID and then hang up after spewing your filthy monologues.  We missed a few calls since it is only the two of us.  We can afford a secretary, but can not afford the taxes and insurance we would now be forced to pay for.  Rather than pay for an employee, we rented the billboard for another month.

All joking aside. Thank you to the many folks who asked us if they could donate to the billboard fund.  No thank you.  We put this billboard up the first of August.  It took 30 days before anyone against it cared and called us. It was intended to be up until November 2nd and it will remain up until then.  It’s paid for until then and the election will be over then and perhaps we will step one small step closer to the path back to the America many of our citizens miss so much.


G Maschino said...

Very well said. Love the billboard!

Bob Huels said...

Comments will be published as long as they meet the standards we set. No foul language will be allowed. Personal attacks on other people is not acceptable. Address the issue.
We prefer you use your name, but will publish anonymous comments.

YES we clearly believe in the first amendment, but if you want to spew hate in either direction, do it on your own blog site.


Bob & Steve

Anonymous said...

Bob....Well said indeed. You have the right ( I think we still do don't we ? ) to express your opinions openly and freely...congrats to you and Steve for standing up for what you believe, and put your name on it to boot ! What else do they want ?

Anonymous said...

I too agree on the free speech thing, and not hate speech here! You are free to spend your money in any way you choose. I personally feel it would be a better use of your funds to help those in your community that need it due to lack of employement, health care issues, etc. I did vote for President Obama by the way and am not embarrassed about that in any way. I just believe it is unreasonable to think that one person can fix the myriad of problems our great country is currently facing... or to blame them for not being able to. that said, good for you for standing up for what you do believe.
Sincerely, David Kropf

Peggy Lewis said...

Thanks for your Billboard. I did not vote for Obama but I AM embarrassed that he is the President of this country. He is making this country the laughing stock of the world -- and an easy target for our enemies.

In addition to all the issues mentioned in your blog, I am concerned that most of us will not survive, financially, with all the government debt, taxes and cost increases that are being foisted off on all citizens. Most of these increases are hidden from public scrutiny by being called something other than "taxes" and by being hidden within the fine print of some lengthy new bill or law.

I would just ask everyone if their sense of security and financial stability has increased or decreased since Obama was elected. I feel we must seek out and elect a whole new slate to represent us in Washington. And be sure, this time, to elect people of good character who understand the importance of our Constitution and our history, and who, through their actions, show that they love and respect our Country.
Peggy Lewis

Anonymous said...

GREAT JOB STEVE (AND PARTNER! I love your sign. It speaks volumes for our "community organizer".

I believe that one reason I served in the Army and Vietnam is to guarantee you the right to do exactly what you did. I suppose I can now add "Racist" medal to my Bronze Star medal. So be it...

Hank Griffin said...

Bob and Steve,

Not only do I support your first amendment right to erect the sign, I completely support your ststements and analysis in your "blog" response to callers. Unfortunately, those with limited intellect who can't appreciate the wisdom of your concerns about the President, have such limited vocabularies that they cannot articulate an intelligent response so resort to profanity, are ashamed of themselves and probably for the man for whom they voted, believe they must hide in anonymity! Great courage and insight on your part! It's time those who truly honor America and believe in what it stood for (past tense intended) wake up, see the evils being foisted upon them by this administration and our current congress, and make their concerns heard. The "silent majority" is morally obligated to no longer passively accept the destruction of the America so many of us have known in the past, which we love, and for which so many of our military have fought and died. Without free enterprise and capitalism, how is this country and our children to pay for all the government spending on "entitlements" and experiments in social engineering?

Thank you Bob and Steve!

Henry V. "Hank" Griffin

Tim Lee said...

I am a Vietnam Veteran and I left both of my legs in that small country. If I would fight for what was right there I will do that much and more here at home.

President Obama has been a continual embarrassment to America. Americans every where were duped by his promise of hope and change.

Americans have a great opportunity to make a huge statement this coming November. By going to the polls and voting for a true conservative in November 2 you will be saying that enough is enough and you are not going to take it any more!

Tim Lee

Renae B said...

I don't travel by way of 65, so I was unaware of the sign until the news decided it was news worthy. Thank you! My hats off to you.

It's this type of stand, a simple, well said, clean, stand that helps me keep my faith in the American people.

I am so tired of all the name calling, mud slinging, hateful words that get said, from both sides, and I appreciate the way you have taken your stand.

Unknown said...

Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU, for paying for this patriotic sign, just one more nail in the "what we hope to be" coffin of socialism espoused by this so-called President. He is not mine, he has not proven his worthiness to hold this office, and his (and his wife's) conduct has been reprehensible. THANK YOU for bringing this to a national audience.

Unknown said...

Steve , if your ever in South Florida , look me up , dinner is on Me . Brave of you to use the free market to express you rigth !
Your Man In Miami

Concerned in Texas said...

I just saw your story on Fox News and had to congratulate y'all and say that I love your billboard! It truly does speak volumes. THANK YOU!

Anonymous said...

You guys are American Patriots! I too am embarassed by our Islamic, butt-kissing muslim, American apologetic, community organizer, narcsisstic President. I hope you keep the billboard up through 2012. I'll be happy to donate money to see that it happens!

Suzanne in Washington State

Anonymous said...

I like the billboard. I am looking forward to 2 Nov 2010 (and 6 Nov 2012). I already have my pink slips prepared to mail out to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

Anonymous said...

2003 Bush tax cuts paid for with borrowed funds ($3+ trillion)

2003-4 2 wars paid for with borrowed funds ($1+ trillion)

2005 Medicare Prescription Drug Bill ($1+ trillion)

2007 Worst Economic Implosion since Great Depression with massive reduction in tax revenues thus increasing deficits

Are YOU embarassed???????

Anonymous said...

Thank you guys for having the courage to stand behind your convictions. There are plenty of us out there solidly behind you. My experience has been if you can get someone to even ADMIT that they voted for Obama, they will tell you they now regret it. Obama's radical agenda is not the change people were looking for. Americans will render their verdict in November.
Remember to register and VOTE!
Cindy from South FL

Anonymous said...

Mr. Huels...Reading your posts you offer nothing but personal attacks, yet make sure you tell the rest of us this is unaccepatable. Classic hyprocite. Quit your whining, and run your business as a business should be run, with NO help from taxpayers government. Republicans cry about how important Capitalism is yet they do not live by their own standards. NO one should have to give you or any other business any help...run your business'es as you should, if not get the hell out and go to work for someone.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Huels....After sending my comment, I got a note: "Your comment has been saved and will be visable after blog OWNER approval". Is this America Mr. Huels, screening what you want people to read, putting on your sight what you want them to hear. This is not freedom of speech...it is Republicism. Shame on you. Take the good with the bad. You are disgusting as an American!!!!!!

Mike and Marcie C. said...

We saw your sign on Fox News this morning and looked up your info so that we could send what little money we could to support your sign and your patriotism. Thank you for saying what we are thinking daily.

Tracy said...

Thank you for saying publicly what many of us are thinking, and do not have the funds to do what you did. From a displaced Missourian, you go!!! And for the classless individuals that feel the need to show their lack of class, shame on them. I am very proud to be an American, my husband is a Vietnam Vet, and we are both very scared with the direction that the country is headed in. Thank you again for having the cajones to stand up and ask the question!!!!

Trach K Harris
Morriston, FL

Carolyn Wilkinson said...

Thank you! I have never been to Missouri, but the lone few of us in WA that haven't drunk the Kool-Aid have been ridiculed, isolated and even fired for not dancing to our destruction by the current politicos in Washington DC., thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

I saw you on the news and am so glad to know that there are still real Americans. It is time to stop apologizing for our country, and start taking it back.

Bob Huels said...

Comments coming in fast. The weekend is here and Steve doesn't do the Blog thing and being a "clinger", I am going on a hunting trip. So, the comments will be publish slowly from my cell if I have service.

BTW, I don't know how to turn off the Moderation. I have not edited or censored a single comment.

Bob Huels said...

PS. Got to shoot up all the lead bullets I can, while it is still legal. ;-)


sroberson said...

Congratulations Bob and Steve!! Thank you so much for having the guts, determination and conviction to put up the billboard!! You have single handedly spoken for many of us, that have yet to find our own voices!! Obama and his tag team of men/women in the Senate and Congress do not speak for the American people, do not speak for me!! God bless you and your families!! and may God continue to bless America!!

Anonymous said...

I love your sign...I don't see how anyone can say it is racist...If I had the money I would put one beside it and say "How can you say Racist...Do you remember he is as much white as he is black!!!!"...It seems people tend to forget that..and so does he!!!

JGoins said...

I think your sign is great and I hope that it has a big effect on Nov. voters also in 2012. Thank you very much.....Jim Goins Bruner, MO

Anonymous said...

I so admire the courage that you showed by doing this. Principle matters in business and you and yours have shown true class in the matter.

I'd like to invite you to join the Conservative Chamber of Commerce. We showcase courageous businesses such as yours. We'd be honored to have you join. www.ConservativeChamber.Us

Denise ODonnell said...

I saw your sign on the way to the chuck wagon races in AR Labor Day wkend. When I read the billboard I commented to my friend that YES I am embarrassed. I voted for Obama because there wasn't much of a candidate to choose from. Think of all the great LEADERS that are passed by because they smoked dope in college or divorced or what ever. We need candidates that will lead our country and do the things we VOTE for. Who cares about their past (within reason)?? We need a leader that believes in the Constitution and does as WE the Voters say.

Anonymous said...

do get your facts right - your insurance company didn't have one cent more in expenses at the time you posted. You expressed your opinion in an "in your face" manner- that's not polite and you sound mad.

Bob Huels said...

Hmm, I actually agree. Our insurance company did not have any increased expenses. They explained to us that the new law had provisions in it that will cause increased expenses and they were increasing MY costs to overcome those future expenses. I really did not care what their expenses were. My bill went up 30%. Those facts were clear and still remain clear and the cost has risen another 12% in the year since the original post was made.

Thank you for the civil comment...
Most who oppose our positions write comments we can not post.

Anonymous said...

From: Dennis in Nevada

WOW - admire your courage, and your explanation is SO well-written. MORE AMERICANS should have THE GUTS to do what you two have done. God Bless your COURAGE ! ... and THANK YOU !