21 December 2010

Great Job!

Madam Mayor and Esteemed Alder-persons,

It is without doubt that I often disagree with your policies and it is similarly undoubted that I have voiced those opinions several (if not many) times this past year.  First of all I want to assure you that my opinions are solely in opposition to your policies and not at all in opposition to your persons.  I respect the fact that you have taken up the reins and done your best to represent your constituents.  While I often do not agree, I often understand your positions and almost never feel that the position you might take is not  heartfelt and honest.  It is ever so important that you maintain an open mind as I have tried to do in my review of your votes and statements and policies.  I have met and spoke with nearly every single one of you and can not even begin to think that there is any one of you that I would say I dislike.  I hope the previous sentences to be my way of telling you in more simple terms that it is not a personal attack that I may be engaging in now, in the past or the future.  I feel compelled to voice opposition to these policies, but I have never felt compelled to voice opposition to the people who are making the policies.

All those gooey niceties aside, I am writing today with a few thoughts in mind that I want to make clear.  I am very proud and happy with several recent decisions, and since I never pause in my attempt to point out what I perceive as your mistakes, I want to make certain that I use the same diligence in pointing out excellent choices.

The recent decision to fund the airport was wise, honest and I believe genuinely “the right thing to do”.  I heard the opposing opinions and I do understand their position, but feel the correct movement was taken. I do hope the same decision is made in the future and this unfortunate public display is not repeated.  I know how hard it is to keep these Branson issues in Branson, but some groups around the country love to see us in debate only to account for their forecast of our demise.

The appointment (announcement) of Vicki McFarland as employee of the year was an extremely appropriate decision.  I realize this is not solely decided by you folks, but she was named such during your watch and I feel you are responsible for the good things that happen at city hall.  After all I have held you responsible for what I consider the bad things there, so it only seems fitting the reverse be held true.

I happened to be at our local  Wal-Mart this past week at the same time as the annual “Shop-With a Hero” program was going on and I felt so grateful that we live in a community that would have such a practice.  Thank you for encouraging such a wonderful event once again.  Along the same lines I know you all spent hours ringing a bell for the Salvation Army recently and having done that several years in a row now, I know how cold and uncomfortable that can be.  Thanks, I think it is exactly what we need our officials doing.  Show up and let the community know how much the city cares about their wellbeing.

So here the deal for 2011:
You try to do more things that will make my list of “great job” spots in this blog, and I promise to try to publish the list of those things in and amongst my rants about what I don’t think is a “great job”.

How about it? 



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