28 September 2010

Disappointing Town Hall Meeting

The meeting regarding increases to the fee schedules for those businesses still wanting to come to Branson was held last evening.  While I do fault the City a bit for their minimal advanced notice time, I was disappointed with the turn out.

First of all, the notice announced that the Aldermen were holding a Town Hall and while I might be mistaken, The Mayor was the only elected official to show up.  She did a good job setting the stage and while I disagree with her, the argument she made was compelling.  It is a shame the Board of Aldermen did not feel the need to be there to hear the other side.

As for the other side of the issue.  WHERE were the REALTORS?  I seem to remember somewhere in your oath that you took that you were to defend the "rights of real property ownership" of your fellow citizens.  In general the same group of a small handful showed up to show their support of the right to use private property without undue taxation and restriction.

In some cases the fees will be increased 200 and 300 percent.  The staff made good argument that the fees were way outdated and had not been increased for a long time.  I think the economic developers of the little town in the Ozarks made good note that now might just not be the best time to make this change.  Some argument was made to think about a gradual increase, while others tried repeatedly to remind the tax collectors that the very people they are trying to increase fees on already pay in most of the revenues collected in this community.

If only the crowd had been larger and if there had been TV cameras, and had there been a big rotunda above the room.  If then, one might have thought we were sitting in Washington DC.  Well there was at least one difference, in Branson there were a few Statesmen still present. Oh and it seems the left side of the isle was missing a few participants.

All that aside,  the concept and demeanor of this forum version was more relaxed and seemed more receptive.  It appeared as though we were being listened to.  At least until the last statement from the Mayor whereby she announced the issue will be coming to the Board soon so they can institute the new fee increases before the next year budget is done.  SORRY Mayor, but that ( and the lack of other Aldermen at the event) seemed to tell a few of us that this Town Hall was for show and that the increases were a forgone conclusion.

Maybe that is why so few people showed up.
Well folks, BAD on you !
You can fight City Hall, but only if you show up.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just not the right time to charge more fee's of any kind. Also the cost to charge these fee's may run as much as what they will collect. The other problem, they have right now, is they are over staffed. The inspectors we talk to are bored to death. They stay out of the office as much as possible so they won't loose there job.