Below is a list of Lobby Agenda items recently published in the News Leader.
This time, you comment.... As you most likely can figure out, I have a problem with a few items on this list.
What do you think..... Anonymous comments are welcome, but it's more fun if we know who you are ;-)
The tentative list
Branson's legislative agenda has not been approved by the board of aldermen yet, but at the board's most recent study session on Jan. 6, this was how it read:Development
- Branson supports bills regarding making Missouri "data center friendly."
- Branson supports both federal and state legislative initiatives that upwardly adjust the income guidelines establishing qualification thresholds for subsidized work-force housing.
- Uncontrolled development at the unincorporated fringes of cities is detrimental to health, safety and orderly urban development. Branson supports legislation that would give cities the ability to exercise the extraterritorial powers of planning, zoning, enforcement of building codes and regulation of subdivisions within adjacent unincorporated areas.
- Branson opposes any legislation that restricts the ability of a municipality to extend municipal services into newly annexed areas.
- Branson opposes any legislation that restricts municipalities' abilities to impose franchise or user fees for the use of the municipalities' rights of way.
- Branson supports legislation that provides funding for state agencies to work in conjunction with Missouri cities as well as private and not-for-profit organizations to address the areas of affordable housing.
- Branson opposes the legalization of casino gaming in southwest Missouri.
- We support legislation allowing cities to annex "islands," which are properties inside a city's limits and surrounded by city property on all sides. Cities need the ability to annex islands after proper notification and majority approval by city council.
- Branson supports equitable funding for the Missouri Department of Natural Resources to ensure the protection and safety of our precious waterways and natural resources.
- Branson opposes any regulatory changes by the Department of Natural Resources that would encourage the development of subdivisions with separate sewer systems built adjacent to a municipal system.
Local Control
- Branson opposes any reduction of local regulatory authority over developers.
- Branson opposes legislation that would interfere with municipal authority to determine personnel or merit system rules and regulations.
- Branson supports Missouri's current meet-and-confer law for public employees, and therefore opposes any attempt to legislate a mandatory collective bargaining law. We believe the power to set wages and other terms and conditions of employment for local government employees must rest with elected representatives and should not be delegated to third-party arbitrators or the courts.
- Branson opposes any legislation that will increase costs to cities (unfunded mandates).
- We support an increase in the maximum municipal court penalty for fourth-class cities. It is currently $500 and/or 90 days in jail. We feel increasing the maximum fine to $2,000 would be appropriate.
- We would like language for RSMo 67.410 to be similar to that of RSMo 67.398 regarding property maintenance.
- We support the exclusion of punitive and exemplary damages in certain claims against public entities, their officials or employees in certain circumstances.
Sales Tax
- Branson opposes state-mandated sales tax holidays that do not provide a local decision on participation or nonparticipation in the holiday. Furthermore, we support a change in state law that would allow cities and counties to choose on opting into the tax holiday rather than opting out.
- Branson will closely monitor any legislation affecting sales tax or sales tax exemptions that would adversely impact city sales tax collections.
- Branson supports the taxing of cell phone use for the purpose of funding 9-1-1 centers and local control for communication centers.
- Branson supports legislation that would encourage the collection of Internet sales taxes.
- Branson opposes the use of a higher sales tax rate to replace the corporate and individual income taxes (fair tax).
- We support strengthening legislation that prohibits theaters and other ticketed attractions from creating their own LLC to be ticket resellers to avoid paying sales taxes.
- Branson supports appropriate funding for the Missouri Division of Tourism marketing budget.
- We support the current tax credit given to the Missouri Film Commission.
- Branson supports state and federal efforts to keep pace with pressing statewide transportation needs, especially by accelerating the construction of projects when local communities are willing to assist with the financing of road improvements.
- Branson supports increasing the core function funding in the state budget for local public health agencies.
- Branson supports increased access to health care for all Missourians through Healthnet expansion for those who demonstrate a financial need and who qualify.
- We support state funding for alcohol enforcement programs.
I promise, I will let you all know what my thoughts are in short order. For now, lets play "whats you take?"
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